Usa NEO™ al menos tres veces por semana y comienza a ver resultados reales en las primeras 3 semanas.
Ya seas una madre primeriza afrontando los cambios post-embarazo, estés lidiando con los efectos de la menopausia, o simplemente quieras perfeccionar tus curvas, NEO™ es tu solución galardonada y clínicamente aclamada.

Tonifica y reafirma con la potencia de la tecnología 3 en 1 de grado clínico, desde la comodidad de tu hogar.
Resultados profesionales sin el coste de los tratamientos en clínica
Cómo funciona

Microcorriente Tonificante
Induce contracciones musculares profundas para lograr un efecto de entrenamiento intenso, consiguiendo firmeza y tono sin ningún esfuerzo.

Vacumterapia Dinámica
Mejora la circulación para una potente desintoxicación y reducción de grasa, combatiendo eficazmente la celulitis y la flacidez de la piel.

Terapia de Luz Roja
Longitud de onda de 650 nm que penetra profundamente para estimular la producción de colágeno, potenciando la renovación de la piel y reduciendo visiblemente las estrías.

Únete a más de 15.600 mujeres que están recuperando la confianza en su cuerpo con NEO™ cada día. Si no estás completamente satisfecha con los resultados, contáctanos para un reembolso total, sin preguntas.
Comparemos con otras alternativas.
Aunque no hay comparación.
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Liposucción y Cirugía |
Utilizable en casa |
Reduce las células grasas |
Reafirma y tensa la piel |
Elimina la celulitis |
Estimular la circulación sanguínea. |
Aumenta la elasticidad de la piel. |
Se desvanece la estría |
Sin dolor |
Efectos secundarios |
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Confiado en Expertos, Amado por Miles de Clientes
Nosotros tenemos respuestas

How does NEO cupping help reduce cellulite?
How does NEO cupping help reduce cellulite?
NEO Smart Cupping helps reduce cellulite and tighten skin with it's synergized therapy modes featuring dynamic suctioning, adjustable pressurized cupping, targeted heating, and red light therapy. It is recommended to apply a light coat of essential oils on the skin before gently gliding NEO on the skin to dramatically tighten the skin while reducing cellulite.
How do I use the suction cupping for cellulite removal?
How do I use the suction cupping for cellulite removal?
It is recommended to apply a light coat of essential oils on the skin before gently gliding NEO on the skin to dramatically tighten the skin while reducing cellulite. Our synergized therapy modules do an excellent job at reducing cellulite while tightening the skin. Featuring dynamic suctioning, adjustable pressurized cupping, targeted heating, and red light therapy, it's quite easy and effective to reduce cellulite on the arms, legs, or buttocks with NEO.
Is there any scientific evidence on cupping reducing cellulite?
Is there any scientific evidence on cupping reducing cellulite?
Yes! There are many scientifically-proven studies which have proved significant decrease in female cellulite and improved skin elasticity from a direct result of cupping therapy. In a study titled "Dry cupping therapy decreases cellulite in women: A pilot study" where 40 female participants underwent cupping therapy on their thighs, the results proved to be impressive. A "statistically significant" decrease in cellulite on the thighs of participants was represented by over a 75% decrease in measured cellulite after just 2 sessions per week for 5 weeks!
HSA/FSA Payment Available
HSA/FSA Payment Available
This NEO product is eligible for HSA/FSA payments! Just add it to cart, head over to checkout, and select "Pay with HSA/FSA."
For more info, please visit our FAQ section at the bottom of this page.
Is NEO Cupping Therapy safe?
Is NEO Cupping Therapy safe?
Yes! Our devices feature timed releases to avoid overuse along with a single-press instant release incase the pressure is bothersome.
Each cupper also comes with a build-in heating unit that reaches temperatures as high as 122°F (50°C) without any flames! However, please note that if you suffer from any health conditions or utilize medical devices, you may want to consult with your physician before undergoing any kind of therapy, cupping included.
Are they easy to use at home, by yourself?
Are they easy to use at home, by yourself?
Our devices are intuitive right out the box and very easy to apply to enjoy a healthy therapy session from home.
Featuring four buttons to control all the beneficial functions of our cuppers, NEO™ Smart Cupping Sculpit is simply the most effective at-home remedy for relieving tension and promoting long-term health.
Will it hurt or damage my skin?
Will it hurt or damage my skin?
With several levels of intensity, you are able to adjust the suction, massage, and heating power of our devices with ease to help you become comfortable with our devices at low levels before progressing.
Starting at a low level is most optimal for beginners and does not hurt or cause permanent skin damage. However, with extended use, you may notice the classic red circle bruises on your skin, this is temporary and indicates the effectiveness of our devices.
These marks will gradually disappear within a few days and they are nothing to worry about! Just be sure to properly sanitize before each session and avoid using on broken skin (cuts, open wounds, etc.).
Are they rechargeable?
Are they rechargeable?
Yes! Each device comes with a USB Type-C charging cable and takes approximately 3 hours to fully charge and can last up to 9, 20-minute, therapy sessions while the device is set to its maximum setting!